Teaching Staff
BioKids is made up of several Full Time and Part Time Teaching Staff, some who have been here for many years. They are dedicated to the Early Childhood field and have built long lasting relationships with the children and families.
BioKids has historically low turnover and we are grateful for each and every one of these special people!
Preschool Team
Manon Bowers
Early Childhood Specialist &
Admininstrative Support
Baylee Dunning
Early Childhood Teacher

Carina Purdy
Toddler Team
Jenny Ulvestad
Early Childhood Specialist
Traci Williams
Early Childhood Teacher

Lala Sawnset
Early Childhood Teacher
Infant Team
Rachel Thackeray
Early Childhood Specialist
Melody Dye
Early Childhood Teacher
Talia Timpson
U Student / Early Childhood Teacher
Program Support Staff

Fernanda deFigueiredo
Admininstrative Support
AM Preschool Teacher

Ava Pleshar
U Student / Substitute Teacher

Kirti Patel
Jordyn Allis
U Student / Substitute Teacher
Natalia Gagliardi
U Student / Substitute Teacher
Ella Hughes
U Student / Substitute Teacher